Estate Planning

Planning for Everyone You Love

Have you considered what could happen to your loved ones, assets, and everything else that matters to you in the event of an unexpected circumstance?

If you have an outdated estate plan, your assets may be at risk of being lost to the state department of unclaimed property or a potentially lengthy court process.

If you are uncertain about what would happen to your loved ones and assets, we encourage you to get in touch with us. Our team will carefully review your current situation and provide you with precise information on what could happen in your specific case. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions about your estate planning, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of according to your wishes.

How Do We Help You with Estate Planning?


Wealth Planning Session

We offer a comprehensive session to help you understand your assets and financial situation, and to identify your estate planning goals.


Customized Estate Plan

We can develop a customized estate plan that meets your family’s needs, and that may include a revocable living trust to avoid probate and estate taxes.


Advanced Estate Planning Services

We also offer additional services for clients with more complex financial situations, such as business succession planning, charitable giving, or asset protection.

Can I DIY My Estate Plan?

While it may be tempting to create your estate plan using a DIY approach, it can lead to a false sense of security, as it may not achieve what you think it does. Unfortunately, many DIY estate plans fail because they are little more than a fill-in-the-blank template with minimal customization.

If your DIY estate plan is invalid, your property and assets could be distributed according to state law, rather than your specific wishes. It is wise to consult an experienced estate planning attorney who has the expertise and legal knowledge to help you design and create a comprehensive plan tailored to your specific needs.

For further insight, please review my blog post "5 Common Mistakes Associated with DIY Estate Plans".

We are Professional Estate Planners

As professional estate planners, we have specialized training and experience in legal and financial matters related to estate planning, such as wills, trusts, probate, taxes, and asset protection. We are experienced legal professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to help individuals navigate complex legal issues and make sound decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

We understand that estate planning involves more than just drafting documents; it requires informed decision-making about life and death. That's why we prioritize educating ourselves about your family, concerns, and goals, and take the time to answer all your questions and ensure that you are empowered to make the right choices for yourself and your loved ones. Let us help you achieve your estate planning goals.